SAMI Operations Committee and Governing Body Joint Meeting

Charlottesville, Virginia – December 7, 1999


Attending:  John Jansen (GB & OC), Diana Andrews (GB & OC), Alan Klimek (GB & OC), Jim Joy (GB & OC), John Benedict (GB & OC), John Daniel (GB & OC), Tracy Carter (GB & OC), Ken Barrett (GB & OC), Arthur Smith (GB & OC), Ron Methier (GB & OC), Winston Smith (GB & OC), Bruce Bayle (OC), Jerome Thomas (GB)


SAMI Leadership


Anthony Moore and John Daniel welcomed SAMI to the Commonwealth of Virginia.  Bill Holman passed the SAMI gavel to Tracy Carter representing Tennessee as new Governing Body Chair.  Tracy presented a plaque to Bill Holman and Alan Klimek in recognition of their service to SAMI in the last year as GB and OC Chairs as well as leading the first Air Summit and efforts to obtain Congressional support for SAMI.  The group discussed the Vice chair position.  Ron Methier agreed to consider it.  [Harold Reheis and Ron Methier subsequently agree to act as vice chair of the GB and OC respectively.]


Treasurer Report


Diane Ducharme and Laurie Moorhead reported that the total SAMI budget was $3.1m and FY00 revenues to date were $1.7m.  A $750,000 Congressional appropriation was approved.  Alan Klimek and Tracy Carter jointly presented Laurie Moorhead a gift in recognition of her service to SAMI as Treasurer.


Socioeconomic Topics


The OC and GB discussed questions raised in an earlier OC meeting and in a November letter from EPA Region IV on the topics to be included in the Integrated Assessment socioeconomic analysis.  After a lengthy discussion Jim Joy moved and John Daniel seconded a motion to follow the approach recommended by the Socioeconomic Workgroup with the understanding that this analysis is not a comprehensive analysis of all socioeconomic factors that may be affected by emission management strategies.  This motion passed unanimously.


Committee Reports


Arthur Smith, Pat Brewer, Kevin Clark and Paul Muller gave an in-depth briefing on the Integrated Assessment.  Phil Brantley and Brock Nicholson summarized the progress in strategy development.  John Bunyak pointed out that the FLAG proposal is out and that comments are due January 7.

Georgia Air Summit


Ron Methier reported that the next Air Summit with probably be in May and requested that all members report any known schedule conflicts for staff or governors.


Participation in SAMI Committee Discussions


Tom Elmore raised an issue that was brought to him by a committee member for OC clarification regarding participation in SAMI committee discussions by persons that are not official committee members.  Tom recommended that committee meetings remain open to all interested parties.  As discussions move toward consensus on an issue, he will look to committee chairs and will assist, as facilitator, in focusing on the direction desired by the official committee members.  After some discussion the group agreed that this recommendation was acceptable.


SEP Update


Ron Methier reported that the committee has had difficulty finding candidates for grant funds that are willing or able to meet the conditions contained in the SEP.




John Shipp with TVA was approved by consensus as an Alabama appointee to the Policy Committee replacing Jon Loney.  Diane Ducharme was approved as Treasurer to replace Laurie Moorhead.

