S O U T H E R N   A P P A L A C H I A N   M O U N T A I N S   I N I T I A T I V E


December 6, 2001

Presentations to SAMI Operations Committee

Please be aware that these reports are in draft form and subject to change.  They do not represent SAMI policy and have not been approved by our Governing Body.  You are welcome to review this material but please keep with these statements in mind.  Some reports listed are not yet available.  They will be linked as soon are they are made available.
SAMI Overview
SAMI Emissions Inventory
Emissions Inventory Strategies
Emissions Inventory Costs
SAMI Atmospheric Modeling
Atmospheric Modeling Air Quality Results 
Atmospheric Modeling Geographic Sensitivities (part 1)
Atmospheric Modeling Geographic Sensitivities (part 2)
SAMI Visibility Effects
Visibility Effects
SAMI Acid Deposition Effects
Acid Deposition Effects (part 1)
Acid Deposition Effects (part 2)
SAMI Ozone Effects
Ozone Effects
SAMI Socioeconomic
SAMI Incentives

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S O U T H E R N   A P P A L A C H I A N   M O U N T A I N S   I N I T I A T I V E
The Interchange Building, 59 Woodfin Place
Asheville, North Carolina 28801
828 251 6889

[email protected]

December, 2001

� Copyright 1999 Southern Appalachian Mountains Initiative